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Customers those who want to join our B2B partnership can create their B2B account from here, there is two options for account creation made for the easiness of our customers.
Follow the link to open samebike account page : .
- Register your account by choosing User type* as B2b and fill the required data field mentioned below.
- Once your account created our sales team will keep your account for review.
- After completing the review process you will get mail on the activation of your B2B account.
- Then you can start purchase your bulk order from Samebike.

Follow the form shown below :
- Fill the B2b form with the required data field mentioned below.
- Once your account created you will get a mail regarding the account.
- The account activation mail include your B2B account Username and Password to login to your account.
- You can change your username and password after getting the activation mail to your mail account.
- Then you can start purchase your bulk order from Samebike.